Orca iPad Point of Sale System
What is your business type?
What is your business type?
Boost Productivity
Keep track of the productivity of your employees without the hassle of paperwork or sudden spot-checks. Employees and machinery work in tandem to collect data and serve customers at the same time.
Seamless Data Collection
Data from every transaction is recorded and stored digitally as employees make their sales. With our POS, say goodbye to manual data entry from start to finish.
![Orca POS ipad productivity](https://www.orcabos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Orca_POS_ipad_productivity.png)
![Orca POS ipad productivity](https://www.orcabos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Orca_POS_ipad_productivity.png)
Boost Productivity
Keep track of the productivity of your employees without the hassle of paperwork or sudden spot-checks. Employees and machinery work in tandem to collect data and serve customers at the same time.
Seamless Data Collection
Data from every transaction is recorded and stored digitally as employees make their sales. With our POS, say goodbye to manual data entry from start to finish.
![Orca POS management](https://www.orcabos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Orca_POS_management.png)
Better Sales Management
Stay informed of the situation on the ground with your business. Get a more precise picture of how well your enterprise is functioning with information such as hourly sales, product mix quantities, and average sales margins.
Minimize Discrepancies
Changes on your Point of Sale system can now be monitored with less worry about disrupting current operations. With clear-cut information available, you will know exactly where and what to keep an eye on.
Control your Business
With detailed information collection and storage, there has never been a greater opportunity to guide and influence the direction which your business is heading in.
Forecasting The Future
Move ahead of the competition with our POS while maintaining the productivity of your employees. Forecasting projected sales and profits can now be done with greater accuracy.
![Orca POS forecasting](https://www.orcabos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Orca_POS_ring_forecasting.png)